Design Logo for my New Website digg 10:43 PM Design Contests I need Logo for my website which is totally New and its Name is Top 10 tale which cover all latest 10 News around the world . I can pay $5 , sorry budget is low for now from Design Contests via IFTTT Share : Tweet ✚ Related Post Logo contest for tech company - $100 dollars - 72 hoursI am looking for a logo for a company named Digital Bioanalytics This is a tech company that buildsLogo for Car Blog $30Hi Folks, Me again. I'd like a logo for a car blog please. The domain is carblog . co . uk -we are$50 Logo Design (Sports Related, 48 Hours, Paypal)I am looking for a logo (2 variations of the same general idea). Please be able to supply in PNG asLogo adjustment to exsisiting file. 15.00 paypalI need my logo adjusted. Remove the following. Phone number, the words "cleaning & restoration$35 Logo Design - 48 Hours - PaypalHello, Need a logo done for - The company does salads in a jar like this -$ logo designHello. We are looking for a logo design for a tea box company. We deliver hand made tea by the mail
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